English: I regularly cleaned the tape heads. I have Owned it for two years. The previous owner has updated/replaced the old input and output sockets. There is an XLR socket for the main input. And there is a standard 1/4inch output socket for the main output. Both are shown in the photos and both work with no problem. The headphone output also works perfectly. The motor is strong. It comes with a really nice case. The meter works accurately and so do the three different motor speeds. Includes power supply and other cables as shown.
I regularly cleaned the tape heads. I have Owned it for two years.
The previous owner has updated/replaced the old input and output sockets.
There is an XLR socket for the main input. And there is a standard 1/4inch output socket for the main output.
Both are shown in the photos and both work with no problem.
The headphone output also works perfectly.
The motor is strong.
It comes with a really nice case. The meter works accurately and so do the three different motor speeds.
Includes power supply and other cables as shown.
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Yahoo!オークション -「nagra ナグラ」(オープンリールデッキ) (オーディオ機器)の落札相場・落札価格
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ナグラ NAGRA 4.2 放送局用プロオープンデッキ・レコーディング・フルセット
Yahoo!オークション -「nagra ナグラ」(オーディオ機器) の落札相場・落札価格
Yahoo!オークション -「nagra ナグラ」(オープンリールデッキ) (オーディオ機器)の落札相場・落札価格
NAGRAステレオ機 久しぶりに再会 : オープンリールテープデッキの復刻(修理と販売)